Magento 2 Store Credit Extension

Store credit is an amount that is restored to a customer account. Customers can use their store credit to pay for purchases, and administrators can use the store credit for cash refunds.The Store Credit extension allows the admin to move refunds to the store credit of the customer. The customer can use those store credits for future purposes based on the configurations set by the admin.
Key Features:
- Multi-store support Means create store credit for different customers.
- Compatible with all the latest browsers.
- Ability to apply and remove store credit on order total in cart and checkout page.
- Ability to set apply and remove store credit on admin order create.
- Ability to set apply for the store credit on shipping amount and tax through config setting.
- Ability to see transaction history and current store credit balance in My Account => Store Credit Transaction tab.
- Ability to see transaction table store credit where credit or debit and which date and time.
- Ability to see all customer transaction history in the admin grid with customer name and email, truncation date and time, updated balance, and comment.
- Ability to refund store credit when creating a credit memo through set yes in refund store credit in the configuration.
- Ability to see particular customer's transaction history in customer edit page => Store Credit tab and credit or debit store credit through Add New Transaction form in this tab.
- Ability to display success or error message when applying for store credit.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1 . What can Magento 2 store credit extensions do?
The Magento 2 store credit extension is an excellent tool for allowing customers to use store credits while checking out. It helps generate better customer retention by converting refunds into store credits and incentivizing second purchases for returning customers. This extension also allows administrators to leverage store credits for cash refunds, making it a two-way benefit.
2 . Can Magento 2 store credit extensions and import credit from cards?
Yes, the Magento 2 store credit extension enables checkout systems to load credit from various cards to help streamline the transaction process. This leads to higher customer satisfaction levels, enhancing retention as well as customer loyalty.
Card-based credits can also be loaded with further promotional features on the same card to incentivize the next purchases for the customers, helping improve sales in the long term.
3 . How do I apply the Magento 2 store credit extension to checkout?
To add Magento 2 store credits to your checkout flow, first log in to your Magento 2 admin account.
Find the “Store” menu and click on Configuration. In this section, locate Customer Configuration and click on the Store Credit tab. Enable it by selecting "Yes.” Finally, on the store credit checkout page, enable Yes again to provide this functionality to your customers.
4 . What are some key features of store credit extensions?
Some of the store credit extension's most interesting features are its support for multisite pages, compatibility with all browsers, visibility of transaction history and current credit balance, and refunding credit through memos.
Other top features of the extension include individual transaction histories, success/error messages, the ability to apply or remove store credits through the admin panel, store credits on shipping amounts, and more.
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