Cancel Order

Why is the ability to cancel an order important for the Magento store Owner? Sometimes, the customer may not be 100% certain of the purchase after placing an order on your store. There may be many reasons they need to cancel the order like they have found that same product at a lower price somewhere else. They also may not be sure about the product or they have personal reasons like an address change. In these types of situations, the Tridhyatech Cancel Order extension provides your customer's facility to cancel their order and build trust among your customers.Cancel Order by Tridhyatech... Read More
Key Features:
- User-friendly and responsive interface.
- Admin can add options to specify different cancel order reasons to display in the frontend.
- Admin can set a custom title and short notice to display in frontend order cancellation popup.
- Email configurations to select email sender and email template for order cancellation notification.
- Admin can set multiple statuses of the order to show the cancel button on particular order status.
- Customers can cancel orders from the frontend with a specific reason and additional comments.
- Admin can view a list of all canceled orders.
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