ChatGPT AI Content Generator

The ChatGPT AI Content Generator is a Magento extension designed to streamline the process of creating product content by automatically generating meta information and product descriptions. It offers both administrators and merchants an easy way to configure and customize content generation based on product details.
Key Features:
- Toggle switch for enabling or disabling the ChatGPT AI Content Generator module.
- Field to enter the URL or API endpoint for the ChatGPT service.
- Field to enter the ChatGPT API key for authentication and authorization.
- Choose from available models like gpt-3.5-turbo, text-davinci-003, text-davinci-002, text-ada001.
- Dropdown to select the product attribute for content generation.
- Control the creativity of the model with a temperature setting.
- Enter attribute codes for content generation based on custom attributes.
- Set word count for short description, product description, meta title, meta keywords, and meta description.
- Optional parameter to append a series of characters to the prompt input.
- Replace the empty image tag with a product image.
- Customize image width.
- Option to remove the image tag.
- Option to remove the title from the product description.
- Language-Based Content Generation: Dynamically generate content tailored to different languages, ensuring versatility and targeted communication for diverse audiences.
- Define a sequence of tokens to control the length of generated text.
- Background processes to fill in descriptions upon saving a product.
- Specify words to be excluded from generated content.
- Choose a model suitable for content generation on category and CMS pages.
- Specify words to be excluded from generated content.
- Similar options as for product pages.
- Set word count for meta titles, meta keywords, and meta descriptions.
- Control the length of generated text on these pages.
- Option to send custom prompts for AI content generation.
- Mass action feature to add short and long descriptions to multiple product pages at once.
- Mass action feature to add metadata to multiple product pages and CMS pages at once.
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