Customer Approve

Customers are an essential part of E-commerce stores. But it is necessary for the store owners to have control over the registrations of the customers. That is in some of the cases they have to restrict some of the users due to some security purposes. Hence, we come with an extension that will restrict the newly registered users until the store admin approves their account. On the other side, customers are updated on the admin's decision via notification emails and messages upon the login attempts in the storefront.
Key Features:
- Ability to Enable/Disable Extension.
- The admin will be notified by email when a new customer account is registered.
- Admin can approve customers from the backend customer grid.
- The customers get notified by email when approved by the admin.
- Ability to approve Multiple customers by the admin
- Restrict login to the customer if the customer is not approved by admin.
- Compatible up to 2.3.x.
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