Warning: file_put_contents(generated/metadata/primary|global|plugin-list.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in lib\internal\Magento\Framework\Interception\PluginListGenerator.php on line 411 in Magento 2.4

Warning: file_put_contents(generated/metadata/primary|global|plugin-list.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in lib\internal\Magento\Framework\Interception\PluginListGenerator.php on line 411 in Magento 2.4

Open the below given file and then replace the code. vendor\magento\framework\Interception\PluginListGenerator.php Line 158 :

$cacheId = implode('|', $this->scopePriorityScheme) . "|" . $this->cacheId; Replace it with $cacheId = implode('-', $this->scopePriorityScheme) . "-" . $this->cacheId;

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